Watching slow-motion footage of an event can certainly improve our judgment of what happened. But can it also impair judgment?
David Bordwell
Yes, frogs like the front row, too. Here's some video evidence, for your illumination and enjoyment.
This journal, Art & Perception, may be of interest to SCSMI members, even though it focuses mainly on painting. Online access is free through 2014, if you register on the […]
Cognitivist. Historian. Gray. Anointed with "the power" by eminent continental philosopher Slavoj Zizek. Check it out.
Editing together extracts from the murder scene near the beginning of Mildred Pierce and its replay near the end demonstrates how cleverly the movie toys with viewers' comprehension and recollection of the scene.
In a recent online essay, I survey some major ways in which people thinking about cinema have floated psychological explanations for filmmakers' creative choices. I would welcome feedback and discussion on the SCSMI Forum.